More control for styles and fly-aways than cremes and sprays...
In addition to taking good care of your hair through the use of quality cleansing and conditioning products..
.. and frequent trims or cuts, there are some products you can use that won't fix the damage that's been done..
.. but might help you temporarily stop additional damage and make it look like the damage you have isn't as bad as it really is.*****
EVOLVE Styling Wax is one of those products.
Once you put it in your hands and rub it around, your body heat will give it a melted, greasy effect, allowing you to work it through your hair as you desire.!!
One last tip - if you do use this product daily, you might want to invest in a once-a-week cleansing shampoo, like EVOLVE Shampoo.
This will prevent any unnecessary buildup of this and any other styling products you use.☆☆☆☆☆