If you live in wicked winter climates, like I do up here in Tokyo, then you know what a brutal beast this season can be on a 'do.
Even when you keep your hair fairly natural most of the time as I do - no dyes, no perms, easy on the blow drying, etc. - one's hair can still quickly show signs of environmental punishments.!!
In addition to taking good care of your hair through the use of quality cleansing and conditioning products..
.. and frequent trims or cuts, there are some products you can use that won't fix the damage that's been done..
.. but might help you temporarily stop additional damage and make it look like the damage you have isn't as bad as it really is.+++++
I luv SUPERHARD and I always have a tin on the stand-by among my samurai products, but as much as I luv it I just as strongly hate it, because no matter how good it makes my hair look, the feel of it on my head is just as equally bad.
If you're like me and you take extra anal care of your hair, then you probably love the way it feels when it's clean, conditioned, soft 'n smooth.
When I have Styling Wax in my hair I have to remember not to touch it, because it feels so greasy and chunky.
My hair feels heavy against my head when I use it, and if my hair touches my face at all my face instantly feels like it's going to break out (it doesn't, of course, but I get that greasy high school acne feeling - bleh).!!
This will prevent any unnecessary buildup of this and any other styling products you use.★★★★★