【Smoothing & Moisturizing, non greasy, Lasts】
Lately I have been infatuated with lotions.
Every time I go shopping Im immediately drawn to the shelves of lotions.
It's a sickness I tell you.!!
Each time I purchase a new lotion I try to rationalize it.
You know what I mean, right???
"It's winter, I'll need it for that dry, chapped skin."
"This one might work better than the last one I bought."
While my reasoning might not always be logical, it makes me feel better.*****
This is a wonderful lotion.
The first time I used it I had just shaved my legs.
I hate shaving my legs, am I the only one? ??
Anyway, I squeezed out some of the lotion and began applying it to my legs.
Yowza!!!! Yeah, it felt that good.
It is the perfect consistency, and absorbs into my skin immediately.
It doesn't take a lot of it to do the job either.
My legs immediately felt soft, smooth and well, blissful.
This lotion has good benefits and I would recommend to anyone with very dry flaky skin.
Simply because it gently exfoliates, hydrates, and contains vitamin E, that replenishes my skin...
My elbows made a come-back, and I was very pleased.
But don't forget.
You have to use the lotion everyday to maintain the healthy condition.
Keeps my skin moisturized all day, until I take a shower, then I re-apply...!!!!!
Experienced no problems from using.
Proud to say, I got new re-conditioned skin.
Yes, I found new healthy skin, beneath the flakes.☆☆☆☆☆