【The smell is incredible】
I was first given one of these by a friend and it sat in my beauty basket for a few months.
I really didn't know what to make of it.
I threw it into my tub and the aroma that filled the air was intoxicating!!
It left my body feeling soft and I felt relaxed after my bath.
It leaves your skin soft and supple..helps you to feel relaxed..
Ok, I admit my description-with little spots of oil and butter floating around, does not sound so nice.
But it really is a luxurious little product and here is why:
1) Very moisturizing.
Those little spots eventually does disperse all through the water, leaving it soft and moisturizing.
I do a quick rinse after a Butterball bath, and after I pat myself dry my skin feels like it has been slathered with lotion.
You really can skip the lotion with this bath.
2) The smell is really nice.
It is a sweet cocoa-buttery vanilla scent.
It is sweet, but not cloying or overly so.
The smell is relaxing in the back, and even though it is subtle it lingers.
I can smell it on my skin the morning after a PM bath. Yum.!!
Even though they are a little small and a lotta money, when I want a relaxing bath and soft skin, I go for this every time. I always have a few around.
The sweet but not strong smell and soft feel are perfect for those nights when I want a nice bath but have no particular mood or scent in mind (You know. Some nights you want super refreshing, or super sexy , or super sweet or super calming (lavender)this is for a night where your desire is simply a nice bath and to skip the lotion.
Note: This is not a cleanser, It does not lather and will not clean your skin.
It is great if you are bathing just to bathe (I you are not really dirty anyways) but if you were bathing to clean yourself, I would recommend showering first so you dont have to wash off the lovely scent and feel after the bath.
Or you can use soap in the bath of course-but I would recommend a complementary scent!!!