【Swaying to the Swing of Lubel】
My hair spray changes with the seasons; For these reasons; Rain, wind, dampness...or for whatever hold I'm needing for the day.
Do I need strong hold, max hold, or natural holding power.
Lubel seems to have one for the occasion...
My hair is fine and limp, So I always use an extra body shampoo and conditioner for fullness.
After blow-drying and using a styler brush; I'm ready for the final step; Airy Make Spray.
Holding the can about eight inches away; I found the spray comes out evenly and doesn't drip, like some do, with blotchy droplets.
Don't have to hold my breath; I love the scent. No heavy perfume fragrance; The best way I can describe it; Pleasant and enjoyable.
During the summer months my hair would hold it's style up to eight hours at work. (air-conditioned).
On the weekends when I'm more active with household chores, running about, and so forth; I would need a touch-up before going out to greet the public...
When I'm doing touch-ups; My hair doesn't feel sticky or flaky.
I can brush or comb right through.
My hair feels light and natural.
Some hair sprays I've used in the past; felt like wearing a hard hat, or some sort of caged apparatus.
My hair wouldn't move with me; But against me. Yep, really intact like a bird's nest.
I don't wear the bee-hive of the past anymore (LOL)...With Lubel my hair feels soft and natural looking while holding it's style.
This is a good everyday hair spray which make touch-ups a breeze.
My hair doesn't grip my brush, like it's intact and won't budge any further.
Now; since winter is here; I've experienced that Lubel doesn't hold my style as long; especially when it's rainy; My hair tends to droop a little.
On windy days my hair will blow out of shape; but I can touch it up again with Lubel.
I may try the "maximum hold" and see how well it performs on the bad weather days.
There's also a scrunch spray I might consider as well.★★★★★