Dear Sir/Madam,
Do you have the expected temperature that this overmitts can stand -5 to -30 degree C?
When I ordered this gloves, your web site didn't show that it was accepted so I ordered again with order number 191135-20051025-39197422.
I replied the Japanese mail yesterday that I need a similar sized and model but can be in different colour as when I double ordered this model, montbell goredryloft down overmitts / XS / BLRI (1108535) or the orange colour of same/similar sizewas stillavailable and the all orders were accepted as from your web site and Japanese mails confirmation.Now I would like to confirmed that the following order numbers are my real needed and would like to have your earliest confirmation on the total EMS charges (including insurance, I think) and the approximate time of arrival:
1.191135-20051025-39197245 {1 pair goredryloft down overmitts / XS / BLRI (1108535) or the orange coloured one, if no XS in size, small size is O.K. for either colour}.
2.195436-20051025-28771806{1 piece Edwin 503RV WSP-183 28" インチ}.
3. 191679-20051025-78228121 {1 piece ドイター・メートヘン20 (deuter_D48405) 20L 44cm x 28cm x 16cm backpack}.
As I cannot open the 注文 page, I would like to confirm that the お支払い回数 : 一括払い, the payment instalment to be 15 (the maxium allowable instalments) here for your immediate processing for this order number 191135-20051025-39197245 (Montbell overmitts).
Others order payment would be the same as before.Would it be any charges for this お支払い回数 for credit card payments of my orders?If so, please inform me by E-mail to my E-mail address.
Sorry for causing you any inconvenience.Thanks for your kind attention and assistance.