管理番号 | 新品 :20373792617 | メーカー | SPARK | 発売日 | 2024-11-05 | 定価 | 59,208円 |
納期状況をご確認くださいMATERIALS AVAILABLE:TitaniumはこちらMATERIALS AVAILABLE:CarbonはこちらMATERIALS AVAILABLE:DarkStyleはこちら商品概要DESCRIPTIONDAKAR Euro4 silencer with connection for side passageWEIGHT (KG)SPARK 2.3 kg vs STOCK 4.6 kgCOMPATIBLE MODELSYamaha Tenere 700 (19-21)APPROVALAvailableOriginal Sound:91 dB (4500 rpm)Spark sound91 dB (4500 rpm) with dBK92.2 dB (4500 rpm) no dBK詳細説明Yamaha Tenere 700. a versatile bike for every type of road:on andoff road. For this iconic bike from the Japanese manufacturer.Spark offers the Euro 4 approved DAKAR silencer and a catalysteliminator to be combined with the slip-on or the originalsilencer.The Slip-On ( GYA1601 ) was created with a design proposal that.starting from the most up-to-date materials and technologies.recalled the timeless charm of the desert rally icon DAKAR.Lightness and power are the main features with 50% less weight thanthe original and a significant increase in performance (+ 3hp from9000 to 9500 rpm). all this in full compliance with the Euro4legislation issued by the Italian ministry after numerous soundlevel and test bench tests.注意点【JMCA未認証】※JMCA未認証のマフラーは車検・公道走行に適さない場合がございます。※車検の適合に関しては保障致しかねます。※取り扱い説明書が付属する場合は、英語となります。※公道走行不可※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。※画像には他のタイプが含まれている場合があります。※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。適合車種TENERE 700 TENERE 700 年式: 19-22商品番号GYA1601TOM