【Nice selection of colors, lasts longer than regular polish.】
Being a nail polish freak, I have a lot a polishes in lots of shades.
This is definitely one of my favorites.
It has a base coat + long lasting color + a top coat (not that I ever use all three, but its a great thing!!!!).
I have been through "the change".
No, not that change!!
Still a little too young for it.
Im talking about the change many women seem to go through when they become mommies.
The change from wearing-pantyhose-everyday-nic
r to the oh-screw-it-pull-my-hair-into-
face change.
That change.
I know exactly when this change happened too...when I found out I was pregnant with my son.
All of a sudden I went from being a girlie-girl to a "crock pot for baby".
That doesn't even sound remotely sexy, does it?!
Yeah, I didn’t think so.
Because of this change I have been trying recently to make more effort to be a "hot mama" rather than a fuddy-duddy.
Of course this involves stopping in the cosmetic section to check out new products every time I go shopping!!
About two weeks ago, I find a brand-spanking new nail polish from Cover Girl: Continuous Color 3-in-1 (from here on referred to as CC 3-in-1)!
This new polish is actually the base coat, color, and top coat in one bottle.
This polish seemed like a good way to begin my baby steps to "hot mama-ness" so I picked up a bottle.
The rakuten I shop at is notorious for not having a large color selection of certain products, even new ones. CC 3-in-1 comes in 40 different shades, but I bet rakuten didn't have more than 12 or so to choose from.
I ended up choosing Cherry Brandy (a deep cherry red) since I’ve purchased that color before in the Nailslicks polish and really like it.
This nail polish really works and costs a lot less than most other expensive brands.
While I swim and do yoga it really stays on without chipping or peeling.!!!!